Roller Derby Love

Man, every now and then, absence really does make the heart grow fonder. I mean, at least in the case of roller derby.

roller derby team pic

I have been skating for a local league since June 2014 and fell in love with the sport almost immediately. With the pending divorce, separation, moving, figuring out the best kids’ schedules, and nurturing a surprise romance with my now girlfriend, I decided to take a bit of a leave for September and October. November started the regularly scheduled season break so in total, I’m taking almost FIVE FREAKING MONTHS off of roller derby. It seemed like a glorious idea at the time. Actually. I do think it was the best choice, but hot damn I miss skating. I miss bruises. I miss that god-awful smell. I miss too many squats followed by too many nachos. I miss seeing my extra family way too much. I miss fangirling because some super cool veteran skater hit me and *this* time I didn’t immediately fall. I just miss derby. WFTDA championships only reignited that love. (PS Congrats Rose City. Way to be total badasses and rep for the entire Pacific Northwest.)


I am not really sure how to balance everything else in my life: career, family, relationship, and life, with derby right now. But I do know I am not ready to let my derby self just slip away into nothing. I need to make a plan and stick with it. And I should probably consider getting off my ass a few times this fall/winter so I can skate without dying come January. 😀

L. OnWheels Roller Derby 2015