Seattle Getaway

It is probably pretty horrible of me to get excited about Ā a funeral just because it’s in Seattle, but that just lets you know how selfish I can be. Girlfriend’s Auntie passed away recently, and I feel sad for the family. Really, I do. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t pretty psyched about getting outta town and enjoying long weekend in Seattle with my ladylove.

Seattle is my favorite. It always has been. Now that I date a real, live (relocated) Seattle woman, it’s even better than ever. She gets to show me around her old stomping grounds and I get a total hottie chauffeuring me around to tried and true, super awesome bars (of the lesbian variety!) and restaurants.

The funeral functions were on two separate days and we stayed busy with family functions and a full day of cooking for the celebration of life gathering. Fun fact: Some vegetarians make really amazing stuffed meatballs. But don’t bother asking for the recipe. I totally just make it up based on sight, smell, and experience. After 6 hours of driving Thursday night, family/funeral functions all day Friday, cooking and the last funeral function on Saturday, we were ready for a little bit of fun on Saturday night. We hit up Wildrose in Capital Hill for a few hours and finally got to unwind and just be ourselves.

Capital Hill crosswalks

We didn’t get to rowdy or stay out too late, but it was sure nice to just be my girlfriend’s girlfriend without worrying about committing any ungodly acts of lesbian PDA and meeting a buncha family for the first time. šŸ˜›

Sunday we could have gotten right up and started our journey back home, but we instead lingered and wandered. Ate some amazing Thai food, played tourist and took some photos with the Freemont Troll, strolled through Pike’s Place Market, checked out some rad views, and did a whole lot of hand-holding. Not a bad way to spend a Sunday Funday.Untitled design (1).png

What I Wore “Windsday”

cozy, fall day
The wind is whipping all around the region like crazy. For me that means be comfy and bundle up. Soooooo if you thought my leggings to work situation was bad, look away. You aren’t gonna wanna know I wore actual “jeggings” in any sort of career setting. I totally did it. And I was so comfortable, you guys. I looked a little nerdy, maybe a little frumpy even, but some days ya just gotta feel cozy.


What I Wore Wednesday: Parent-Teacher Conference

Hey guys. It’s still #whatiworewednesday and today’s look was one part gawd-it’s-cold-and-I-just-want-jeans-and-comfy-shoes, one part shit-i-better-look-like-a-respectable-mom, and one part I-hope-I-look-cute-enough-for-my-lunch-date. Oh yes, plus I needed to look semi profesh for work. šŸ™‚

Totally mom-ish, totally comfy, and still pulled together.
Totally mom-ish, totally comfy, and still pulled together.

The jeans are not something I prefer to wear in my normal day, but what other style goes with the beloved, comfy shoe choice of moms and nurses alike, Danskos? They perfectly complimented the rest of my model mom getup: flowy flattering blouse, standard issue cardigan, and completely unoriginal, grey, Coach shoulder bag. (What? It was a gift.) I pulled all the colors together with a flannel, plaid scarf. Cuz, duh, I’m a lesbianĀ andĀ I live in the PNW.

What I Wore Wednesday (Round 1)

I love fall just as much as the next white chick, but seriously, the weather is a little cray. When I wake up, it’s definitely coffee and slippers weather: roughly a brisk 40 degrees. It doesn’t warm up much by the time I take my babes to school and scurry off to work. But by 3P, we are all a flustered, overdressed mess. Layers, people! Cuz let’s be serious, layers may look great and all, but the real appeal here is havingĀ on clothes that it is socially acceptable to take off. With that in mind, here is my first “What I Wore Wednesday” post as the lead (and only) writer at The Elle Word. And for what it’s worth, when I did finally take my coat off at 3:15, I had a black flowy blouse underneath.

what I wore Wed
