What I Wore Wednesday

What better way to get back in the swing of things than a trusty, ol’ #whatiworewednesday? Bish, you know you like it. Or maybe not, but whatever.

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My career has that happy balance for me in regards to style. I work basically by myself aside from all the meetings and appointments sprinkled throughout the week. Generally speaking, I  know basically who I will see, what I will be focused on and dress accordingly for those pre-planned engagements. I also have to be semi-ready to do or redo a room layout, clean, or hell, shovel snow. That ends up meaning  I wear a lot of jeans, but try to dress it up with a blazer. Like every day.

Honestly, it works perfectly for running an artsy nonprofit. Today, I’m pretty sure I get double artsy points for a.) a scarf, and b.) putting a bird on said scarf. Aside from that, I kept it business casual (even casual Friday-esqu) with stretchy skinny jeans, flat shoes and a flowy blouse. I top it with a blazer to show I am ready for business when half my board shows up this afternoon for a programming committee meeting. But you can bet your ass my outfit choice can still hang if I have to attempt to repair a bathroom or mop the gallery. Both of which should probably be done right now….

Thanks for hangin’!





It has been raining at least a little every single day for an entire month. I’m sure of it. Yesterday the sun broke through and it wasn’t even super rainy or freezing when I left for work. I allowed myself some white after Labor Day and I didn’t even wear boots today. Oh, AND, I totally took my coat off at several points through out the day.

Here’s my look:img-set



What I Wore Wednesday (Round 1)

I love fall just as much as the next white chick, but seriously, the weather is a little cray. When I wake up, it’s definitely coffee and slippers weather: roughly a brisk 40 degrees. It doesn’t warm up much by the time I take my babes to school and scurry off to work. But by 3P, we are all a flustered, overdressed mess. Layers, people! Cuz let’s be serious, layers may look great and all, but the real appeal here is having on clothes that it is socially acceptable to take off. With that in mind, here is my first “What I Wore Wednesday” post as the lead (and only) writer at The Elle Word. And for what it’s worth, when I did finally take my coat off at 3:15, I had a black flowy blouse underneath.

what I wore Wed
